Please be advised that there is adult content on this page and not suitable for any one under the age of 18. Also if you try any of these ideas keep in mind that they are just ideas that I have come up with or seen over the years and are just getting around to trying out so they are basically experiments and I can not be held accountable if it does not work for you as always try on a scrap body or body part and see what you can come up with. 

Like any idea or technique, takes time to practice, practice, practice, to get it just right and this is where I will have some samples of those tests and experiments.

On the left of the hood its a cut out from the back issues page of a magazine that I am trying out the idea of pasting tons of covers and pics inside and outside the truck for mans ruin build that I am starting here on my site, and I'm using this 1/12th scale camaro hood to see if my idea will work. What I did was take diluted white elmers glue and painted both sides of the paper and paste it to the hood. Once its dry i will then try to cover it with several coats of gloss paint. For the interior of the truck Ill just leave it flat like it is here.

The other side of the hood has a temp tattoo applied to the hood as well. I have seen the temp tats done and wanted to try it out to see if you can get a good smooth gloss coat or coats over the temp tattoos. The surface of the temp tattoo is really rough, but I figure that if i shot a coat of gloss and wet sand, then repeat about a half dozen times it should look as if it was an airbrushed mural.

An update to this theory, for my strippers delight this has worked, I glued them in and then once dry coated with clear coat, let dry, wet sand then clear coat again till the edges of the paper disappeared. So this method works you just have to take your time with the process.

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